Descopera promotiile zilei, ai preturi avantajoase, livrare rapida, . Antistatic - Promotes the dissipation of accumulated static electricity. Outer Material: Rubber . The best work shoes to fit the needs of your profession. Highly comfortable and easy to clean, WOCK footwear is ideal for restaurants and hospitals. The bicolor and autoclavable clog , adequate for operating rooms and other medical environments. Designed for better comfort all day long.

It is antistatic and is made of . Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and free . High quality clogs for professionals with adjustable and removable heel strap. Breathing, non slip and antistatic. Machine washable at 40 . Wock Clog Transparent Pink 13. Unsubscribe from wockshoes. Saboti medicali pentru sala de operatie si clinica autoclavabili, antistatici cu talpa antiderapanta.
For added comfort and heel support, the strap helps keep your foot firmly in place. Maximale Leistung - Für Menschen mit anspruchsvollem Beruf sind diese Clogs die ideale Wahl. Die antistatischen Clogs sind aus Steri-Tech gefertigt, einem . CLOG is ideal for activities in which professionals spend many hours standing an who hence have a tendency to suffer foot discomfort or lower body fatigue, . Their captivating clear and classic shape and high-quality coating make .