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Moduri de gatire, moduri de gatire: gatire rapida, slow cooking , saute, gatire la aburi. DELIMANO ELECTRIC PRESSURE MULTI COOKER 5L ENG. Oală electrică multifuncţională sub presiune.
Manual cu instrucţiuni. Four one-touch cook settings let . AMC is the world market leader in premium stainless steel cooking systems for healthy and delightful eating. Tefal Secure Neo Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker , L, . It heats water faster than any other immersion circulator or precision cooker so dinner is on the table faster.
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A selection of cooking equipment to meet the needs of professional catering,. The Dexion Express range of products has been defined to provide the . BERGNER who have come together to share strategic thinking about cooking and technological innovation in kitchenware. Risotto express à la cocotte minute ( prêt en minutes!!!) à. Mi se pare un pic exagerati timpii de gatit cu care se lauda in . If you prefer tea to coffee, . Gatitul “la foc mic” un un aparat tip slow cooker sau multicooker iti poate.
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